  • 浏览: 17126 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 北京
标题 标签 来源
js判断日期是否为所在月月末 js
function isLastDay(inputDate)
	var d = new Date(inputDate.replace(/\-/,"/"));
	var nd = new Date(d.getTime()+24*60*60*1000); 
	return (d.getMonth()!=nd.getMonth())
window.location.href的target控制 html框架


在使用框架时,经常会对框架子页面进行页面引导的情况,如果只是简单的设置location. href="",会使得整个页面显示在子框架中,导致出现重叠框架。如何解决呢?很简单。只要指定子框架的父级框架页面链接至目标页面即可。如
window.top.framename.location.href = url;


dat处理JS js

function checkDateFormate(Field) {

    var inputDateValue = Field.value;

    var desc = Field.description;

    if(inputDateValue == null || inputDateValue == '') {

       return false;



    var inputValueLength = inputDateValue.length;


    if(checkNumeric(inputDateValue) && checkLegth(inputValueLength) && checkSpecialChar(inputDateValue) ) {

       return true;

    }else {

errorMessage("请输入合法的" + desc +"\n类型为日期,格式为YYYY-MM-DD 或者YYYYMMDD");


       return false;




function checkLegth(length) {

    if(length < 8 || length > 10) {

       return false;


    return true;



function checkSpecialChar(inputDateValue) {

    var index = inputDateValue.indexOf('-');

    var year = 0;

    var month = 0;

    var day = 0;

    if(index > -1) {

       var lastIndex = inputDateValue.lastIndexOf('-');


       if(lastIndex - index < 1 || lastIndex - index > 3) {

           return false;


       var arrDate = inputDateValue.split('-');

           year = arrDate[0];

           month = arrDate[1];

           day = arrDate[2];

       } else {

           year = inputDateValue.substring(0,4);

           month = inputDateValue.substring(4,6);

           day = inputDateValue.substring(6,8);


       if(Number(month) > 12 || Number(day) > 31 ||Number(month)<1

                           || Number(day)<1 ||  year.length != 4) {

           return false;

    } else  if(day > getLastDayOfMonth(Number(year),Number(month))) {

           return false;


    return true;



function checkNumeric(inputDateValue) {

    var replacedValue = inputDateValue.replace(/-/g,'1');

    return isNumeric(replacedValue);



function isNumeric(strValue)


  var result = regExpTest(strValue,/\d*[.]?\d*/g);

  return result;



function regExpTest(source,re)


  var result = false;


  if(source==null || source=="")

    return false;



    result = true;


  return result;




function getLastDayOfMonth(year,month){

    var days=0;


    case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: days=31;break;

    case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: days=30;break;

    case 2: if(isLeapYear(year)) days=29;else days=28;break;


    return days;



function isLeapYear(year){

    if((year %4==0 && year %100!=0) || (year %400==0)) return true;

    else return false;

<script language="javascript">
	//新增初始日期方法  liangbo 20130517
	function initDate() {
		var tDate = new Date(); 
		y = tDate.getFullYear();
		m = tDate.getMonth() + 1 + "";
		M = m.length > 1 ? m : "0" + m;
		d = tDate.getDate()+"";
		D = d.length > 1 ? d : "0" + d;
		var dtpStr = y + "-" + M + "-" + D;
		DataRq2.value = dtpStr;
		DataRq1.value = dtpStr;
		dtpYw.value = dtpStr;
		dtpRq.value = dtpStr;

/// 格式化显示日期时间 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="x">待显示的日期时间,例如new Date()</param> 
/// <param name="y">需要显示的格式,例如yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss</param> 
function date2str(x,y) { 
var z = {M:x.getMonth()+1,d:x.getDate(),h:x.getHours(),m:x.getMinutes(),s:x.getSeconds()}; 
y = y.replace(/(M+|d+|h+|m+|s+)/g,function(v) {return ((v.length>1?"0":"")+eval('z.'+v.slice(-1))).slice(-2)}); 
return y.replace(/(y+)/g,function(v) {return x.getFullYear().toString().slice(-v.length)}); 
//alert(date2str(new Date(),"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); 
//alert(date2str(new Date(),"yyyy-M-d h:m:s")); 
web开发中前、后端常用数据处理方法整理 js jq web开发中前、后端常用数据处理方法整理
-------------------------   前端
 *  前端公共函数方法整理 
 *  @author Weige 
 *  备注: 配合jqury.js 使用
 *  2012-04

function getWordSize(str)
		return null;	
	var length = 0;
	var str = str;
	var regDoub = /[^x00-xff]/g;
	var regSingl = /[x00-xff]/g
	var douL = str.match(regDoub);
	var singL = str.match(regSingl)
	length = Math.ceil(length);
	return length;
function trim(str)
    return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '');
function isChinese(str)
  var str = str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,'');
  if (!(/^[\u4E00-\uFA29]*$/.test(str)
          && (!/^[\uE7C7-\uE7F3]*$/.test(str))))
      return false;
  return true;
function isMobile(str)

          return true;
    return false;

// oschina
function htmlEncode(str)   
  var s = "";   
  if (str.length == 0) return "";  
  //s = s.replace(/ /g, " ");   
  s = str.replace(/&/g, "&");   
  s = s.replace(/</g, "<");   
  s = s.replace(/>/g, ">");   
  s = s.replace(/\'/g, "'");   
  s = s.replace(/\"/g, """);   
  s = s.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");   
  return s;   

function htmlDecode(str)   
  var s = "";   
  if (str.length == 0) return "";   
  s = str.replace(/>/g, "&");   
  s = s.replace(/</g, "<");   
  s = s.replace(/>/g, ">");   
  s = s.replace(/ /g, " ");   
  s = s.replace(/'/g, "\'");   
  s = s.replace(/"/g, "\"");   
  s = s.replace(/<br>/g, "\n");   
  return s;   

function ajaxPost(the_url,the_param,succ_callback)
		type	: 'POST',
		cache	: false,
		url		: the_url,
		data	: the_param,
		success	: succ_callback


function ajaxGet(the_url,succ_callback,error_callback)
		type	: 'GET',
		cache	: true,
		url		: the_url,
		success	: succ_callback,
		error   : error_callback


function ajaxPostJson(the_url,data_pro,succ_callback,error_callback)
    	async		: false,//同步更新	
    	type		: 'post',
    	dataType	: 'json',
    	data		: data_pro,
    	url			: the_url,
    	success		: succ_callback,
    	error		: error_callback
function real_len(name) 
 	return (name.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,"**").length);    

function is_email(email)
	var reg=/^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+(\.\w+)*@(\w+\.)+\w{2,3})\s*$/;
    return reg.test(email);
function is_number(name)
	var reg = /^\d+$/g;    
   return reg.test(name);    
function is_pwd(name)
	 var reg = /^[A-Za-z@0-9_-]+$/g;    
  return reg.test(name);    



	 * Weige
	 * 2012-05
	 * */
	 * 唯一名字
	 * */
    function get_unique_name($srand_id=0) 
		$id		= $srand_id?$srand_id:mt_rand(0,99999999);
		$index	= 'z6OmlGsC9xqLPpN7iw8UDAb4HIBXfgEjJnrKZSeuV2Rt3yFcMWhakQT1oY5v0d';
		$base	= 62;
		$out	= "";
		 for ( $t = floor( log10( $id ) / log10( $base ) ); $t >= 0; $t-- ) 
			$a		= floor( $id / pow( $base, $t ) );
			$out	= $out . substr( $index, $a, 1 );
			$id		= $id - ( $a * pow( $base, $t ) );
	   return $out;
	 * 短链接密钥
	 * */
	function url_key($url,$key="wei爱微博") 
    	$x		= sprintf("%u", crc32($key.$url)); 
    	$show	= ''; 
	     while($x> 0) 
	         $s	= $x% 62; 
	         if($s> 35)
	         $s	= chr($s+61);             
	         elseif($s> 9 && $s<=35)
	         $s	= chr($s+ 55); 
	         $show.= $s; 
	        $x	= floor($x/62); 
    	return $show;     
 	 * 标签key
 	 * */ 
    function tag_key($tag,$key="wei爱话题")
 		$tag = str_replace(" ", "", $tag);
 		$tag.= $key;
 		$hash = md5($tag);
		$hash = $hash[0] | ($hash[1] <<8 ) | ($hash[2] <<16) | ($hash[3] <<24) | ($hash[4] <<32) | ($hash[5] <<40) | ($hash[6] <<48) | ($hash[7] <<56);
		return $hash % 99999999;
	 * 过滤非法标签
	 * */
    function strip_selected_tags($str,$disallowable="<script><iframe><style><link>")
		$disallowable	= trim(str_replace(array(">","<"),array("","|"),$disallowable),'|');
		$str			= str_replace(array('<', '>'),array('<', '>'),$str);
		$str			= preg_replace("~<({$disallowable})[^>]*>(.*?<\s*\/(\\1)[^>]*>)?~is",'$2',$str);
		return $str;
	 * 替换或转义标签
	 * */
	function convert_tags($str)

	//	$str = str_replace(array('&','<', '>',"'",'"'),array('&','<', '>',''','"'),$str);
    	$str = str_replace(array('<', '>',"'",'"'),array('<', '>',''','"'),$str);
	 	return $str;

//    function jstrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = null)
//    {
//    		$needle	 = trim($needle);
// 		$jstrpos = false;
// 		if(function_exists('mb_strpos'))
// 		{
// 			$jstrpos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, self::$charset);
// 		}
// 		elseif(function_exists('strpos'))
// 		{
// 			$jstrpos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
// 		}
// 		return $jstrpos;
//    }
	 * 检查是否为一个http开头并带有.com的url地址
	function is_http($url)
		if(filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
		return true;return false;
	 * 发送一个http请求
	 * @param  $url    请求链接
	 * @param  $method 请求方式
	 * @param array $vars 请求参数
	 * @param  $time_out  请求过期时间
	 * @return JsonObj
	function get_curl($url, array $vars=array(), $method = 'post')
		$method = strtolower($method);
		if($method == 'get' && !empty($vars))
			if(strpos($url, '?') === false)
				$url = $url . '?' . http_build_query($vars);
				$url = $url . '&' . http_build_query($vars);
		$ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		if ($method == 'post') 
			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $vars);
		$result = curl_exec($ch);
			$result = trim($result);
			$result = '[error:1]';
		return $result;
	 * 获取客户端ip
	 * */
    function getIp()
		if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
			return $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
		else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
		else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
			return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		return '0.0.0';
	 * 图片大小验证器
	 * $_FILES['file']数组
	 * 只支持 jpg png gif 格式 默认5M
	 * */
	function check_img($file,$limitSize=5242880)
		$type_maping = array(1=>'image/gif', 2=>'image/jpeg', 3=>'image/png',4=>'image/pjpeg',5=>'image/x-png',6=>'image/jpg');
			$rs['error'] = '1';
			$rs['msg']	 = '图片超过规定大小!';
			$rs['error'] = '1';
			$rs['msg']	 = '图片文件损害!';
			$rs['error'] = '1';
			$rs['msg']	 = '空图片或者超过规定大小';
		elseif( !in_array($file['type'],$type_maping) )
			$rs['error'] = '1';
			$rs['msg']	 = '图片类型错误!';
			$rs['error'] = 'no';
			$rs['msg']	 = 'success';
		return $rs;
	 * 递归方式的对变量中的特殊字符进行转义以及过滤标签
	function addslashes_deep($value)
		if (empty($value))return $value;
		//Huige 过滤html标签,防止sql注入
		return is_array($value) ? array_map('addslashes_deep', $value) : strip_tags(addslashes($value));
	 * @param   mix     $value
	 * @return  mix
    function stripslashes_deep($value)
		if (empty($value))return $value;
		return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value);
	 * 以新浪微博的字数统计方式统计字数(简单版)
	 * 中文算1个,英文算0.5个,全角字符算1个,半角字符算0.5个。
	 * @param string $string
	 * @return integer
    function strlen_weibo($string)
			$string=trim(trim($string,' '));
			return (strlen($string) + mb_strlen($string,'UTF-8')) / 4;
		return false;
	 * 截取指定长度的字符串,超出部分用 ..替换
	 * @param string $text
	 * @param int $length
	 * @param string $replace
	 * @param string $encoding
	function substr_format($text, $length, $replace='..', $encoding='UTF-8')
		if ($text && mb_strlen($text, $encoding)>$length)
			return mb_substr($text, 0, $length, $encoding).$replace;
		return $text;
	 * 字符编码转换
	 * */
	function xwb_iconv($source, $in, $out)
		$in		= strtoupper($in);
		$out	= strtoupper($out);
		if ($in == "UTF8"){
			$in = "UTF-8";
		if ($out == "UTF8"){
			$out = "UTF-8";
			return $source;
		if(function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
			return mb_convert_encoding($source, $out, $in );
		}elseif (function_exists('iconv'))  {
			return iconv($in,$out."//IGNORE", $source);
		return $source;
	 *  Created:  2010-10-28
	 *  截取一定长度的字符串
	 *  @Author guoliang1
	function cut_string($str, $len)
		// 检查长度
		if (mb_strwidth($str, 'UTF-8')<=$len)
			return $str;
		// 截取
		$i 		= 0;
		$tlen 	= 0;
		$tstr 	= '';
		while ($tlen < $len)
			$chr 	= mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
			$chrLen = ord($chr) > 127 ? 2 : 1;
			if ($tlen + $chrLen > $len) break;
			$tstr .= $chr;
			$tlen += $chrLen;
			$i ++;
		if ($tstr != $str)
			$tstr .= '...';
		return $tstr;
	 *  Created:  2010-10-28
	 *  防止XSS攻击,htmlspecialchars的别名
	function escape($str,  $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT )
		return htmlspecialchars($str, $quote_style);
	 * 格式化时间
	 * */
	function wb_date_format($time,$format='m月d日 H:i')
		$now = time();
		$t   = $now - $time;
		if($t >= 3600)
				$time =date($format,$time);
				$time =date('Y年m月d日 H:i',$time);
		elseif ($t < 3600 && $t >= 60)
			$time = floor($t / 60) . "分钟前";
			$time = "刚刚";
		return $time;
	function isChinese($string)
			return true;
		return false;
	function isMobile($mobile)
		if(preg_match("/^1[345689]\d{9}$/", $mobile))
			return true;
		return false;
	function dayToWeek($time)
		$time = empty($time) ? TIME : $time;
		$date[0] = '周日';
		$date[1] = '周一';
		$date[2] = '周二';
		$date[3] = '周三';
		$date[4] = '周四';
		$date[5] = '周五';
		$date[6] = '周六';
		return $date[Date('w',$time)];
	 * 检测是否为邮箱
	 * @param $val
	 * @param $domain
	 * @return boolean
	function is_email($val,$domain="")
			if( preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-_.]+@[\da-z][\.\w-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i", $val) )
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;

		if( preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-_.]+@".$domain."$/i", $val) )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	// junz先生
	function extend_decrypt($encryptedText,$key)
		$cryptText 		= base64_decode($encryptedText);
		$ivSize 		= mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
		$iv 			= mcrypt_create_iv($ivSize, MCRYPT_RAND);
		$decryptText 	= mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $cryptText, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
		return trim($decryptText);
	function extend_encrypt($plainText,$key)
		$ivSize			= mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
		$iv 			= mcrypt_create_iv($ivSize, MCRYPT_RAND);
		$encryptText	= mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $plainText, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
		return trim(base64_encode($encryptText));
无刷新异步提交表单 js ajax
<script type="text/javascript">
    //为id为tXxSet的按钮绑定事件处理函数 liangbo 04/06/2012
     $.get("sfrXxXMLAction!thSet.action" , $("#xmlDownload").serializeArray() , 
     function(data , statusText)
xml导出 xml解析 java
package com.css.action;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import com.css.bean.VXfSfrDj;
import com.css.business.QueryBusiness;
import com.css.common.action.BaseAction;
import com.css.common.util.DateUtils;
import com.css.common.util.QueryUtils;
import com.css.common.util.StringUtils;
import com.css.common.util.dicache.Authority;
import com.css.dto.TXfSfrDTO;
import com.css.dto.TXtYhDTO;
import com.css.dto.VXfZhDTO;
import com.css.service.SfWtService;
import com.css.service.ZhQueryService;
import com.css.util.ConstantParam;
import com.css.bean.TXtJg;
import com.css.bean.VXfZh;

 * @function 上访人信息XML文件导出
 * @description 从数据库导出数据生成XML文件
 * @version 1.0
 * @author liangbo
 * @time 22/05/2012
 * @modify by liangbo time at 25/05/2012 新增xml导出数据头文件从系统配置读取数据功能
 * @modify by liangbo time at 30/05/2012 新增交办地区交办单位批量设置功能
public class SfrXxXMLAction extends BaseAction {
 private ZhQueryService zhQueryService;
 private QueryBusiness queryBusiness;
 private SfWtService sfWtService;
 private String relation;
 private VXfZhDTO vxfZhDTO; // 综合查询DTO
 private List<VXfZhDTO> excelList;
 private List<TXfSfrDTO> sfrList;// 上访人列表
 //liangbo 30/05/2012
 private String thdqid;
 private String thdwid;
 public List<TXfSfrDTO> getSfrList() {
  return sfrList;

 public void setSfrList(List<TXfSfrDTO> sfrList) {
  this.sfrList = sfrList;

 private InputStream istream;// 下载输入流
 private String downloadFileName = "信访人信访问题信息汇总(" + DateUtils.formatDate2Str(DateUtils.FORMAT_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ZN, new Date()) + ")";
 private String[] checkedIds;
 private String[] curIds;
 public InputStream getIstream() {
  return istream;

 public void setIstream(InputStream istream) {
  this.istream = istream;
 public String[] getCheckedIds() {
  return checkedIds;

 public void setCheckedIds(String[] checkedIds) {
  this.checkedIds = checkedIds;
 public String[] getCurIds() {
  return curIds;

 public void setCurIds(String[] curIds) {
  this.curIds = curIds;

 public String getDownloadFileName() {
  try {
   downloadFileName = new String(downloadFileName.getBytes(), "ISO8859-1");
  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  return downloadFileName;
 public String download() throws Exception {
  Set<String> idSet = (Set<String>) ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSet");
  if (idSet != null) {
   if (curIds != null && curIds.length != 0) {
    for (String s : curIds) {
     if (idSet.contains(s)) {
   if (checkedIds != null && checkedIds.length != 0) {
    for (String s : checkedIds) {
   int i = 0;
   String[] temp = new String[idSet.size()];
   for (String string : idSet) {
    temp[i] = string;
   checkedIds = temp;
  Map<VXfZhDTO, Set<VXfSfrDj>> sfrwtMap = null;
  if (checkedIds != null && checkedIds.length != 0) {
   sfrwtMap = zhQueryService.getsfrsfwt(checkedIds);
   return SUCCESS;
  Set<VXfZhDTO> keySet = sfrwtMap.keySet();
  List dqdwList = checkDqDw(keySet);
  if(dqdwList == null || dqdwList.size() <=0)
   return SUCCESS;

  if (sfrwtMap.size() != 0) {
   istream = new ByteArrayInputStream(createXML(sfrwtMap,dqdwList));
  return "download";
 public void thSet() throws Exception
  PrintWriter out = null;
  out = ServletActionContext.getResponse().getWriter();
  Set<String> idSet = (Set<String>) ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSet");
  if(thdqid == null || thdqid.equals(""))
   return ;
  if(thdwid == null || thdwid.equals(""))
  if (idSet != null) {
   if (curIds != null && curIds.length != 0) {
    for (String s : curIds) {
     if (idSet.contains(s)) {
   if (checkedIds != null && checkedIds.length != 0) {
    for (String s : checkedIds) {
   int i = 0;
   String[] temp = new String[idSet.size()];
   for (String string : idSet) {
    temp[i] = string;
   checkedIds = temp;
  List<VXfZh> zhList = null;
  if (checkedIds != null && checkedIds.length != 0) {
   zhList = zhQueryService.getlList(checkedIds);
  if(zhList != null || zhList.size() > 0)
   for(VXfZh vXfZh : zhList)
    sfWtService.updateTh(vXfZh.getWtid(), thdqid, thdwid);

 public byte[] createXML(Map<VXfZhDTO, Set<VXfSfrDj>> sfrwtMap, List dqdwList) {
  TXtYhDTO yhDTO = (TXtYhDTO)session.get(ConstantParam.USER_SESSION_KEY);
  TXtJg txtJg = zhQueryService.findJg(yhDTO.getId());
  if(txtJg == null)
   return null;
  byte[] xmlString = null;
  Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
  Element element = document.addElement("gbsfss");
  Element headElement = element.addElement("head");
  headElement.addElement("toxzqh").addText((String) dqdwList.get(0));
  headElement.addElement("tozfbm").addText((String) dqdwList.get(1));
  headElement.addElement("date").addText(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));
  Element resourceElement = element.addElement("resource");
  Set<VXfZhDTO> keySet = sfrwtMap.keySet();
  for (VXfZhDTO vXfZh : keySet) {
   Element listElement = resourceElement.addElement("list");
   Element sfwtElement = listElement.addElement("xfwt");
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("id"), vXfZh.getWtid());// 问题主键
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("sfly"), vXfZh.getSflx()); // 上访类型
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("lfsj"), vXfZh.getLfsj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(vXfZh.getLfsj()));// 信访时间
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("lxxs"), vXfZh.getLxxs());//  初信初访形式
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("wtfsd"), vXfZh.getWtfsd());// 上访问题发生地
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("wtfsdxz"), vXfZh.getWtfsdxz());// 信访问题发生地详址
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("lxcs"), vXfZh.getLxcs());// 重复访来信次数
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("lfcs"), vXfZh.getLfcs());// 重复访来访次数
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("jjzcf"), vXfZh.getJjzcf());// 进京正常访
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("jjfzcf"), vXfZh.getJjfzcf());//  进京非正常访
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("yjfcs"), vXfZh.getYjfcs());// 越级访次数
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("sjbmjsfwt"), vXfZh.getSjbmjsfwt());// 涉及部门及上访问题
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("xfsq"), vXfZh.getXfsq());// 信访诉求
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("jyaq"), vXfZh.getJyaq());// 简要案情
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("sfsksfl"), vXfZh.getSfsksfl());// 是否三跨三分离
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("ajfssj"), vXfZh.getAjfssj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(vXfZh.getAjfssj()));// 案件发生时间
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("jjzcfcs"), vXfZh.getJjzcfcs());// 进京正常访次数
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("jjfzcfcs"), vXfZh.getJjzcfcs());// 进京正常访次数
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("djr"), vXfZh.getDjr());//登记人
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("djbm"), vXfZh.getDjbm());// 登记部门
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("ah"), vXfZh.getAh());// 案件编号
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("xfly"), vXfZh.getXfly());// 信访来源
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("thdqid"), vXfZh.getThdqid());// 交办地区id
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("thdwid"), vXfZh.getThdwid());// 交办单位ID
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("ldcs"), vXfZh.getLdcs());// 信访来源
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("czcs"), vXfZh.getCzcs());// 信访来源
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("wsxfcs"), vXfZh.getWsxfcs());// 信访来源
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("yjfcs"), vXfZh.getYjfcs());// 信访来源
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("xfsqqt"),vXfZh.getXfsqqt());// 信访来
   //addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("sjdwxzqh"), vXfZh.getsjd);// 信访来源
   //addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("sjdwxzid"), vXfZh.);// 信访来源 
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("yxbz"), vXfZh.getYxbz());// 有效标志
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("wtzt"), vXfZh.getWtzt());// 问题状态
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("cjsj"), vXfZh.getCjsj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(vXfZh.getCjsj()));// 采集时间
   addElementText(sfwtElement.addElement("gxsj"), vXfZh.getGxsj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(vXfZh.getGxsj()));// 有效标志
   Set<VXfSfrDj> sfrDjSet = sfrwtMap.get(vXfZh);
   for(VXfSfrDj sfrDj : sfrDjSet){
    Element sfrElement = listElement.addElement("xfr");
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("id"), sfrDj.getId());// 人员id
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xm"), sfrDj.getXm()); // 姓名
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xb"), sfrDj.getXb());// 性别
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("mz"), sfrDj.getMz());//民族
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("csrq"), sfrDj.getCsrq() == null ? null : getDatetoString(sfrDj.getCsrq()));// 出生日期
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("hjd"), sfrDj.getHjd());//户籍地
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xzd"), sfrDj.getXzd());// 现住地
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjlx"), sfrDj.getZjlx());// 证件类型
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjhm"), sfrDj.getZjhm());// 证件号码
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("yddh"), sfrDj.getYddh());// 移动电话
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("gddh"), sfrDj.getGddh());// 固定电话
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("mqdx"), sfrDj.getMqdx());// 目前动向
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("yyadsrgx"), sfrDj.getYyadsrgx());// 与原案当事人关系
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("txdz"), sfrDj.getTxdz());// 通讯地址
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("yzbm"), sfrDj.getYzbm());// 邮政编码
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xzdxz"), sfrDj.getXzdxz());// 现住地详址
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("hjdxz"), sfrDj.getHjdxz());// 户籍地详址
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("gddhqh"), sfrDj.getGddhqh());//固定电话区号
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zy"), sfrDj.getZy());//职业
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("djr"), sfrDj.getDjr());// 登记人
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("djbm"), sfrDj.getDjbm());// 登记部门
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xfly"), sfrDj.getXfly());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("cym"), sfrDj.getCym());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjlxqt"), sfrDj.getZjlxqt());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("gzdw"), sfrDj.getGzdw());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zw"), sfrDj.getZw());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("whcd"), sfrDj.getWhcd());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zzmm"), sfrDj.getZzmm());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("hyzk"), sfrDj.getHyzk());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("dzyx"), sfrDj.getDzyx());// 信访来源
    //addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("xmpy"), sfrDj.getXm());// 信访来源
    //addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("pyzt"), sfrDj.getp);// 信访来源
    //addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("qtqk"), sfrDj.getqtq);// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zc"), sfrDj.getZc());// 信访来源
    //addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("finaldate"), sfrDj.getf);// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjqsxm"), sfrDj.getZjqsxm());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjqszz"), sfrDj.getZjqszz());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjqsdh"), sfrDj.getZjqsdh());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjqsgx"), sfrDj.getZjqsgx());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjljddz"), sfrDj.getZjljddz());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjljdlxfs"), sfrDj.getZjljdlxfs());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjwgdwmc"), sfrDj.getZjwgdwmc());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjwgdwdz"), sfrDj.getZjwgdwdz());// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjwgdwlxfs"), sfrDj.getZjwgdwlxfs());// 信访来源
   // addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("zjxzqt"), sfrDj.zjxz);// 信访来源
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("yxbz"), sfrDj.getYxbz());// 有效标志
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("cjsj"), sfrDj.getCjsj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(sfrDj.getCjsj()));// 有效标志
    addElementText(sfrElement.addElement("gxsj"), sfrDj.getGxsj() == null ? null : getDatetoString(sfrDj.getGxsj()));// 采集时间
  // 内存方式,不通过文件.
  ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  try {
   XMLWriter output = new XMLWriter(os, new OutputFormat("", true, "UTF-8"));
  } catch (Exception e) {
   return null;
  xmlString = os.toByteArray();
  return xmlString;

 public void addElementText(Element element, String text) {
  if (text != null) {
 public List checkDqDw(Set<VXfZhDTO> keySet)
  List dqdw = new ArrayList();
  for(VXfZhDTO vxfzh : keySet){
   if(vxfzh != null){
    if(vxfzh.getThdqid() == null || vxfzh.getThdqid().equals(""))
     return null;
    if(vxfzh.getThdwid() == null || vxfzh.getThdwid().equals(""))
     return null;
    String dq = vxfzh.getThdqid();
    String dw = vxfzh.getThdwid();
    for(VXfZhDTO zh : keySet)
     if(zh != null)
       return null;
       return null;
  return dqdw;

 public Map<VXfZhDTO, Set<VXfSfrDj>> getDownloadFileMap() throws Exception {
  vxfZhDTO = (VXfZhDTO) session.get("vxfZhDTO");
  Map<VXfZhDTO, Set<VXfSfrDj>> sfrwtMap = new HashMap<VXfZhDTO, Set<VXfSfrDj>>();
  TXtYhDTO yhDTO = (TXtYhDTO) session.get(ConstantParam.USER_SESSION_KEY);
  StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(ConstantParam.BYTJ);
  if (vxfZhDTO != null) {
   relation = QueryUtils.getSQL(vxfZhDTO, yhDTO, true, null);
  if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relation)) {
  List<?> excelCountList = queryBusiness.getDistinctZh(where.toString());
  if (excelCountList != null && excelCountList.size() > 0) {
   Map<String, String> dataMap = StringUtils.listConvertMap(excelCountList);
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   for (Map.Entry<String, String> me : dataMap.entrySet()) {
    if (!"".equals(me.getKey())) {
     sb.append(" wtid = '" + me.getKey() + "' OR ");
   sb.delete(sb.lastIndexOf("OR"), sb.length());
   excelList = queryBusiness.queryExcelPage(sb.toString() + " ORDER BY lfsj DESC,wtid");
   List<VXfZhDTO> delList = new ArrayList<VXfZhDTO>();
   String id = "";
   String tempId = "";
   String clfsStr = "";
   String jzsjStr = "";
   String pzsjStr = "";
   for (int index = 0; excelList != null && excelList != null && index < excelList.size(); index++) {
    VXfZhDTO vxfZhDTO = excelList.get(index);
    id = vxfZhDTO.getWtid();
    if (id.equals(tempId)) {
     if (vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setClfsStr("\r\n" + clfsStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setClfsStr(vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr() + "\r\n" + clfsStr);
     if (vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setJzsjStr("\r\n" + jzsjStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setJzsjStr(vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr() + "\r\n" + jzsjStr);
     if (vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setPzychjzsjStr("\r\n" + pzsjStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setPzychjzsjStr(vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr() + "\r\n" + pzsjStr);
     delList.add(excelList.get(index - 1));
    clfsStr = vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr();
    jzsjStr = vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr();
    pzsjStr = vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr();
    tempId = id;
   if (delList.size() > 0) {
   if(excelList != null && excelList.size()>0){
    for(VXfZhDTO vxfZhDTO : excelList){
     Set<VXfSfrDj> sfrDj = new HashSet<VXfSfrDj>();
     String sfrSql = "WHERE sfwtid='" + vxfZhDTO.getWtid() + "' AND yxbz IN ('"+ConstantParam.YXBZ_YX+"','"+ConstantParam.YXBZ_DJ+"')";
     List<VXfSfrDj>  sfrDjList =  zhQueryService.getSfrDj(sfrSql);
     if( sfrDjList != null && sfrDjList.size() > 0 ) {
      for( VXfSfrDj sfr : sfrDjList ) {
     sfrwtMap.put(vxfZhDTO, sfrDj);

  return sfrwtMap;
 public List<?> getDownloadFileList() throws Exception {
  vxfZhDTO = (VXfZhDTO) session.get("vxfZhDTO");
  TXtYhDTO yhDTO = (TXtYhDTO) session.get(ConstantParam.USER_SESSION_KEY);
  StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(ConstantParam.BYTJ);
  where.append(ConstantParam.BYTJ_AND).append("substr(xfly,0,2) ='").append(ConstantParam.XFLY_RD).append("'"); // yuhj 只读取人大数据2012-05-16
  if (vxfZhDTO != null) {
   relation = QueryUtils.getSQL(vxfZhDTO, yhDTO, true, null);
  if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relation)) {
  List<?> excelCountList = queryBusiness.getDistinctZh(where.toString());
  if (excelCountList != null && excelCountList.size() > 0) {
   Map<String, String> dataMap = StringUtils.listConvertMap(excelCountList);
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   for (Map.Entry<String, String> me : dataMap.entrySet()) {
    if (!"".equals(me.getKey())) {
     sb.append(" wtid = '" + me.getKey() + "' OR ");
   sb.delete(sb.lastIndexOf("OR"), sb.length());
   excelList = queryBusiness.queryExcelPage(sb.toString() + " ORDER BY lfsj DESC,wtid");
   List<VXfZhDTO> delList = new ArrayList<VXfZhDTO>();
   String id = "";
   String tempId = "";
   String clfsStr = "";
   String jzsjStr = "";
   String pzsjStr = "";
   for (int index = 0; excelList != null && excelList != null && index < excelList.size(); index++) {
    VXfZhDTO vxfZhDTO = excelList.get(index);
    id = vxfZhDTO.getWtid();
    if (id.equals(tempId)) {
     if (vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setClfsStr("\r\n" + clfsStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setClfsStr(vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr() + "\r\n" + clfsStr);
     if (vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setJzsjStr("\r\n" + jzsjStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setJzsjStr(vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr() + "\r\n" + jzsjStr);
     if (vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr() == null || "".equals(vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr())) {
      vxfZhDTO.setPzychjzsjStr("\r\n" + pzsjStr);
     } else {
      vxfZhDTO.setPzychjzsjStr(vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr() + "\r\n" + pzsjStr);
     delList.add(excelList.get(index - 1));
    clfsStr = vxfZhDTO.getClfsStr();
    jzsjStr = vxfZhDTO.getJzsjStr();
    pzsjStr = vxfZhDTO.getPzychjzsjStr();
    tempId = id;
   if (delList.size() > 0) {

  return excelList;

 public void setThdqid(String thdqid) {
  this.thdqid = thdqid;

 public String getThdqid() {
  return thdqid;

 public void setThdwid(String thdwid) {
  this.thdwid = thdwid;

 public String getThdwid() {
  return thdwid;
 public String getDatetoString(Date date)
  Date dt = date;
  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  return  sdf.format(dt);
xml导入 xml解析 java
package com.css.action;


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

import com.css.bean.TXfBljg;
import com.css.bean.TXfWtcl;
import com.css.service.SfWtService;
import com.css.service.TXfBljgService;
import com.css.service.WtClService;
import com.css.util.ConstantParam;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;


 * @function 提供xml文件上传解析和数据存储
 * @author liangbo time at 08/05/2012
 * modify by liangbo time at 08/06/2012 //新增从xmlhead节点获取反馈单位和区划并保存
 * modify by liangbo time at 12/06/2012 //新增备案审查机关和完成时间元素的导入
public class RdfjXMLAction extends ActionSupport{
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 private SfWtService sfWtService;
 private TXfBljgService tXfBljgService;
 private WtClService wtClService;
 private File upload;
 private String uploadContentType;
 private String uploadFileName;
 private String savePath;
 private boolean update;

 public void setSavePath(String savePath)
  this.savePath = savePath;
 public String getSavePath() {
  return savePath;
 public void setUpload(File upload) 
  this.upload = upload; 
 public File getUpload() 
  return upload; 

 public void setUploadContentType(String uploadContentType) 
  this.uploadContentType = uploadContentType; 
 public String getUploadContentType()
  return (this.uploadContentType); 

 public void setUploadFileName(String uploadFileName) 
  this.uploadFileName = uploadFileName; 
 public String getUploadFileName() 
  return (this.uploadFileName); 
 public boolean isUpdate() {
  return update;

 public void setUpdate(boolean update) {
  this.update = update;
  * 文件导入校验说明:
  * 1:根据文件头文件内容校验该数:
  *  <function>BiaoC</function>中值校验数据标准为BiaoA 校验返回结果:错误:文件标准错误,请您联系相关单位或管理员!
  *   <toxzqh>110000</toxzqh>中值校验是否来自110000 校验返回结果:错误:文件接收单位信息错误,请您联系相关单位或管理员!
  *   <tozfbm>0501</tozfbm>中值校验来自"全国人大" 校验返回结果:错误:文件接收单位信息错误,请您联系相关单位或管理员!
  * 2:根据XML中<id>64357A04-D963-42F9-8102-922373848A5D</id>中值,校验TXfSfwt表中是否存在该数据,存在正常往下进行,不存在返回:该信访问题在本系统中无对应信息,请核对后导入!
  *   若以上校验通过,再根据id校验TXfBljg表该数据是否已经存在该数据,若存在返回结果:错误:该信访问题处理结果信息已存在,请确认是否重新导入!。
  * 3:导入成功后:将文件按照:文件命名方式:“fromxzqh(XML中对应字段)+ fromzfbm+时间形式”保存在D盘RdzbData/DfToZzw/文件夹下。
  *    导入成功后刷新列表数据显示。
  * 注意:文件导入可能需要时间较长,页面要有“等待导入”提示,导入成功与失败都要在页面返回结果信息。
  * **/
 public void upload() {
  File file = null;
  PrintWriter out = null;
  if(upload == null)
  try {
   out = ServletActionContext.getResponse().getWriter();
   file = new File(savePath, uploadFileName);
   FileUtils.copyFile(upload, file);
   String function = this.getHeadXML(file, "function");
   String toxzqh = this.getHeadXML(file, "toxzqh");
   String tozfbm = this.getHeadXML(file, "tozfbm");
    return ;
    * 放开接收单位、接收地区校验 07062012liangbo
    * else if(!(ConstantParam.XML_XZQH.equals(toxzqh))){
    return ;
   } else if(!(ConstantParam.XML_ZFBM.equals(tozfbm))){
    return ;
   int wtclCount = 0;// 记录问题处理添加成功次数
   int bljgCount = 0;// 记录处理结果添加成功次数
   int wtclupdatCount = 0;// 记录问题处理更新成功次数
   int bljgupdateCount = 0;// 记录处理结果更新成功次数
   Map<TXfBljg, Set<TXfWtcl>> tXfSfwtMap = saveFromXML(file);
   Set<TXfBljg> keySet = tXfSfwtMap.keySet();
   for (TXfBljg tXfBljg : keySet) {
    // 保存问题处理结果,先检查问题是否存在
    if ((sfWtService.getTXfSfwt(tXfBljg.getWtid()) == null)) {
     // 上传失败,删除文件
    // 保存问题处理结果,先检查数据库是否已有对应数据
    if (tXfBljgService.findWtJG(tXfBljg.getWtid()) != null) {
     if (!update) {
      out.print("处理结果: " + tXfBljg.getWtid()
        + "数据已存在,系统默认自动跳过!</br>");
     } else {
      out.print("更新信访问题唯一标识为【" + tXfBljg.getId()
        + "】的处理结果信息!</br>");
      // 更新问题

    } else {
     out.print("添加信访问题唯一标识为【" + tXfBljg.getWtid()
       + "】的处理结果信息!</br>");
     // 更新问题

    Set<TXfWtcl> wtclSet = tXfSfwtMap.get(tXfBljg);
    for (TXfWtcl tXfWtcl : wtclSet) {
     // 保存问题处理,先检查数据库是否已有对应数据
     if (wtClService.findWtcl(tXfWtcl.getWtid()) != null) {

      if (!update) {
       out.print("问题处理: " + tXfWtcl.getWtid()
         + "数据已存在,系统默认自动跳过!</br>");
      } else {
       out.print("更新信访问题唯一标识为【" + tXfWtcl.getWtid()
         + "】的处理结果信息!</br>");
       // 更新问题

     } else {
      out.print("添加信访问题唯一标识为【" + tXfWtcl.getId()
        + "】的问题处理信息!</br>");
      // 更新问题
   if (wtclCount != 0 || wtclupdatCount != 0 || bljgCount != 0 || bljgupdateCount != 0 ) {
    String tXzqh = this.getHeadXML(file, "fromxzqh");
    String tZfbm = this.getHeadXML(file, "fromzfbm");
    //以文件命名方式:“fromxzqh(XML中对应字段)+ fromzfbm+时间形式保存上传文件
    Date dt = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    String sdate = sdf.format(dt);
    String nFileName = tXzqh + "  " +  tZfbm + "  " + sdate + uploadFileName;

    File nFile = new File(savePath,nFileName);
    FileUtils.copyFile(upload, nFile);
    return ;
   } else {
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return ;
 public String getHeadXML(File file,String st){
  SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();
  Document document;
  try {
   document = saxReader.read(file);
   List<Element> elements = document.selectNodes("//gbsfss");
   for(Element listElement :elements ) {
    Element sfwtElement = listElement.element("head");
    if(sfwtElement != null)
     return getElementText(sfwtElement, st);
    } else {
     return null;
  } catch (DocumentException e) {
   return null;
  return null;

 public Map<TXfBljg, Set<TXfWtcl>> saveFromXML(File file) {
  SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();
  Document document;
  Map<TXfBljg, Set<TXfWtcl>> tXfSfwtMap = new HashMap<TXfBljg, Set<TXfWtcl>>();
  try {
   document = saxReader.read(file);
   Element et = (Element)document.selectSingleNode("//gbsfss");
   Element headElement = et.element("head");
   String fromxzqh = getElementText(headElement,"fromxzqh");//反馈区划
   String fromzfbm = getElementText(headElement,"fromzfbm");//反馈部门
   String fromcjsj = getElementText(headElement,"date");//反馈时间
   List<Element> elements = document.selectNodes("//gbsfss/resource/list");
   for(Element listElement:elements) {
    TXfBljg tXfBljg = new TXfBljg();
    Set<TXfWtcl> tXfwtclSet = new HashSet<TXfWtcl>();
    TXfWtcl tXfwtcl = new TXfWtcl();
    Element sfwtElement = listElement.element("xfwt");
    if (sfwtElement != null) {
     tXfBljg.setHjjg(getElementText(sfwtElement, "hjjg"));
     tXfBljg.setHjff(getElementText(sfwtElement, "hjff"));
     tXfBljg.setSfyfczsfrqt(getElementText(sfwtElement, "sfyfczsfr"));
     tXfBljg.setHjdw(getElementText(sfwtElement, "hjdw"));
     tXfBljg.setWtxz(getElementText(sfwtElement, "wtxz"));
     tXfBljg.setPcdw(getElementText(sfwtElement, "pcdw"));
     tXfBljg.setPcjg(getElementText(sfwtElement, "pcjg"));
     tXfBljg.setClsfrbm(getElementText(sfwtElement, "clsfrbm"));
     tXfBljg.setHjsj(getDate((getElementText(sfwtElement, "hjsj"))));
     tXfBljg.setBascdw(getElementText(sfwtElement, "bascdw"));
     tXfBljg.setBascwcsj(getDate((getElementText(sfwtElement, "bascwcsj"))));
     tXfBljg.setWtid(getElementText(sfwtElement, "id"));
     //问题ID ----->问题id 为外键,与问题信息表id对应 
     tXfBljg.setWtid(getElementText(sfwtElement, "id"));
    Element wtclElement = listElement.element("xfwtcl");
    if(wtclElement != null)
     // 问题处理id
     tXfwtcl.setJdr(getElementText(wtclElement, "jdr"));
     tXfwtcl.setJddw(getElementText(wtclElement, "jddw"));
     // 承办人
     tXfwtcl.setCbr(getElementText(wtclElement, "cbr"));
     // 承办单位
     tXfwtcl.setCbdw(getElementText(wtclElement, "cbdw"));
     // 稳控责任单位
     tXfwtcl.setWkzrdw(getElementText(wtclElement, "wkzrdw"));
     // 拟办意见
     tXfwtcl.setNbyj(getElementText(wtclElement, "nbyj"));
     // 领导批示
     tXfwtcl.setLdps(getElementText(wtclElement, "ldps"));
     //问题ID ----->问题id 为外键,与问题信息表id对应 
     tXfwtcl.setWtid(getElementText(sfwtElement, "id"));
  } catch (Exception e) {
   return null;
  return tXfSfwtMap;

 // 获取XML元素的子元素值,没有则赋为空
 public String getElementText(Element element, String name) {
  String text = null;
  if (element.element(name) != null) {
   text = element.element(name).getText();
  return text;

 // 字符串转换为date
 public Date getDate(String string) {
  Date date = new Date();
  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  if (string != null && !string.trim().equals("")) {
   try {
    date = sdf.parse(string);
   } catch (ParseException e) {
    return null;
  return date;
数据访问层通用核心DAO jdbc hibernate java
package com.htsoft.core.command;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;

import com.htsoft.core.command.util.GenericsUtils;
import com.htsoft.core.command.util.SpringUtil;
import com.zd6.bean.TauthAccount;

import com.zd6.common.util.annotation.MethodAnnotation;
import com.zd6.common.util.annotation.MethodAnnotation.DML;

 * @function 		DAO
 * @description 	抽象的数据访问对象,只能被扩展,不能实例化;视为数据访问层的核心之一
 * @version 		1.0
 * @author 			CS&S
 * @time 			19/02/2013
public abstract class DAOSupport<T> implements DAO<T> {
	// 动态型别辨识
	protected Class<T> entityClass = GenericsUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(this.getClass());
	@Resource protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;

	public Session getCurrnentSession() {
		if( sessionFactory == null ){
		return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

	 * @function 		delete
	 * @param 			Serializable... entityids
	 * @description 	根据主键值批量删除数据
	@MethodAnnotation(description="依据主键批量删除", dml=DML.DELETE)
	public void delete(Serializable... entityids) {
		if (entityids != null) {
			for (Object id : entityids) {
				Object obj = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(this.entityClass, (Serializable) id);

	 * @function 		delete
	 * @param 			Object obj
	 * @description 	根据对象删除数据
	public void delete(Object obj) {

	 * @function 		delete
	 * @param 			List objList
	 * @description 	删除List对象数据,为空时不做任何处理
	public void delete(List<Object> objList) {
		if( objList != null && objList.size() > 0 ) {
			for( Object obj : objList ) {

	 * @function 		get
	 * @param 			Serializable entityId
	 * @description 	根据主键值得到对象数据
	 * @return			T 泛型
	@MethodAnnotation(description="依据主键取值", dml=DML.SELECT)
	public T get(Serializable entityId) {
		if( entityId != null ) {
			//sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(this.entityClass, entityId)
			return (T) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(this.entityClass, entityId);
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException(this.entityClass.getName());

	 * @function 		save
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	实体持久化,不返回实体Bean
	public void save(Object entity) {
		if (entity != null) {
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException(this.entityClass.getName());

	 * @function 		save
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	实体持久化,返回实体对象数据主键
	 * @return			T model object
	public T saveObject(Object entity) {
		if (entity != null) {
			Serializable entityId = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(entity);
			return (T) get(entityId);
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException(this.entityClass.getName());

	 * @function 		update
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	实体持久化,不返回实体Bean
	public void update(Object entity) {
		if (entity != null) {
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException(this.entityClass.getName());

	 * @function 		update
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	实体持久化,返回实体对象数据Bean
	 * @return			T model object
	public T updateObject(Object entity) {
		if ( entity != null ) {
			return (T) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().merge(entity);
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException(this.entityClass.getName());

	 * @function 		findAll
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	返回所有记录
	 * @return			List<T> 结果集
	public List<T> findAll(String ObjectName) {
		return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("FROM " + ObjectName).setCacheable(true).list();
		//return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("FROM " + ObjectName).setCacheable(false).list();
	 * @function 		findAll
	 * @param 			Object entity
	 * @description 	返回所有记录
	 * @return			List<T> 结果集
	public List<T> findAll() {
		return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("FROM " + this.getClassName()).setCacheable(true).list();
		//return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("FROM " + ObjectName).setCacheable(false).list();
	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名的形式来拼接字符串
	 * @param 		hql 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	protected List<T> commonHQL(String hql, Object[] params) {
		return this.commonAddSelectHQL(null, hql, params, 0, 0);
	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 "WHERE" + this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @return 		List<T> 查询结果集
	public List<T> commonHQL(String where) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if( where != null && where.length() > 0 ) {
			commonHql.append(" ").append(where);
		//Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString()).setCacheable(true);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		return query.list();
	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具,返回最后一条记录
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 "WHERE" + this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @return 		List<T> 查询结果集
	public T commonHQLLast(String where) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if( where != null && where.length() > 0 ) {
			commonHql.append(" ").append(where);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		if( query != null && query.list().size() > 0 ) {
			return (T) query.list().get(0);
		} else {
			return null;
	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名字的形式来拼接字符串 分页显示查询数据
	 * @param 		hql 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @param 		first 第一条索引位置
	 * @param 		max 最大索引数量
	 * @return 		List
	protected List<T> commonHQLofIndex(String hql, Object[] params, int first, int max) {
		return this.commonAddSelectHQL(null, hql, params, first, max);

	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名字的形式来拼接字符串 分页显示查询数据
	 * @param 		hql 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @param 		currentPage 当前页码
	 * @param 		rowNum 每页显示记录数
	 * @return 		QueryResult 带有翻页数据的bean
	protected QueryResult<T> commonHQLofPage(String hql, Object[] params, int currentPage, int rowNum) {
		List<T> resultList = this.commonAddSelectHQL(null, hql, params, (currentPage-1)*rowNum, rowNum);
		Long totalrecord = getCount(hql, params);
		QueryResult<T> qResult = new QueryResult<T>(totalrecord, currentPage, rowNum);
		qResult.setResultlist(resultList); 		//设置结果集
		return qResult;

	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名字的形式来拼接字符串 分页显示查询数据
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		currentPage 当前页码
	 * @param 		rowNum 每页显示记录数
	 * @return 		QueryResult 带有翻页数据的bean
	protected QueryResult<T> commonHQLofPage(String where, int currentPage, int rowNum) {
		List<T> resultList = this.commonAddSelectHQL(null, where, (currentPage-1)*rowNum, rowNum);
		Long totalrecord = getCount(where);
		QueryResult<T> qResult = new QueryResult<T>(totalrecord, currentPage, rowNum);
		qResult.setResultlist(resultList); 		//设置结果集
		return qResult;

	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名字的形式来拼接字符串 分页显示查询数据,提供定制查询结果
	 * @param 		select 指定查询返回的结果
	 * @param 		hql 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @param 		first 第一条索引位置
	 * @param 		max 最大索引数量
	 * @return 		List
	protected List<T> commonAddSelectHQL(String select, String hql, Object[] params, int first, int max) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(hql)) {
			commonHql.append(" " + this.getEntityName() + " WHERE ");
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(select)) {
			commonHql.insert(0, select);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
			query.setParameter(i, params[i]);
		if (max != 0) {
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		List<T> list = query.list();
		return list;

	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具 使用getEntityName()+属性名字的形式来拼接字符串 分页显示查询数据,提供定制查询结果
	 * @param 		select 指定查询返回的结果
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @param 		first 第一条索引位置
	 * @param 		max 最大索引数量
	 * @return 		List
	protected List<T> commonAddSelectHQL(String select, String where, int first, int max) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(where)) {
			commonHql.append(" " + this.getEntityName() + " WHERE ");
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(select)) {
			commonHql.insert(0, select);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		if( max != 0 ) {
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		List<T> list = query.list();
		return list;

	 * @function 	取得当前表数据的总数
	 * @param 		hql 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @return 		long 数据总数
	protected long getCount() {
		final String hql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + this.getClassName();
		return Integer.valueOf(this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(hql).uniqueResult().toString());

	 * @function 	取得复合查询条件的记录数
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @param 		params 查询的条件
	 * @return 		long 数据总数
	protected long getCount(String hql, Object[] params) {
		if (params == null) {
			return getCount();
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(hql)) {
			commonHql.append(" " + this.getEntityName() + " WHERE ");
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString()).setCacheable(true);
		for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
			query.setParameter(i, params[i]);
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		return Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(query.list().get(0)));

	 * @function 	取得复合查询条件的记录数
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @return 		long 数据总数
	protected long getCount(String where) {
		if( StringUtils.isEmpty(where) ) {
			return getCount();
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(where)) {
			commonHql.append(" " + this.getEntityName() + " WHERE ");
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		return Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(query.list().get(0)));

	protected String getEntityName() {
		return this.entityClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();

	private String getClassName() {
		return this.entityClass.getSimpleName();
	 * @function 	取得TOP n条记录
	 * @param 		String where
	 * @param 		int top
	 * @return 		List<T>
	protected List<T> topHQL(String where, int top) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder(" FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(where)) {
			commonHql.append(" ").append(where);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(commonHql.toString());
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		List<T> list = query.list();
		return list;
	 * @function 	HQL查询原生接口
	 * @param 		sql select * from entityClass where ?
	 * @return 		List resultSet
	protected List commonSQL(String sql) {
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(sql);
		return query.list();
	 * @function 	SQL查询原生接口
	 * @param 		sql select * from tablename where ?
	 * @return 		List resultSet
	public List commonSql(String sql) {
		SQLQuery query = this.getCurrnentSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
		return query.list();
	 * @function 	SQL查询原生接口
	 * @param 		sql create table tablename
	 * @return 		int sql执行状态
	public int commondSql(String sql) {
		 SQLQuery query = this.getCurrnentSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
		 return query.executeUpdate();
	 * @function 	调用存储过程
	 * @param 		String pro 调用存储过程语句
	 * @return 		int 执行状态
	public int callProcedure(String pro) {
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("CALL ").append(pro).append("");
		SQLQuery query = this.getCurrnentSession().createSQLQuery(builder.toString());
		return query.executeUpdate();
	 * @function 	生成HQL连接查询工具 
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 select...
	 * @param 		currentPage 当前页码
	 * @param 		rowNum 每页显示记录数
	 * @return 		QueryResult 带有翻页数据的bean
	 * @author      Zhangtr
	 * @since       20120917
	protected QueryResult<T> commonConHQLofPage(String where, int currentPage, int rowNum) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder(where);
		int first=(currentPage-1)*rowNum;
		int max=rowNum;
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(where);
		if( max > 0 ) {
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		List<T> list = query.list();	//设置结果集
		Long totalrecord = getConCount(where);
		QueryResult<T> qResult = new QueryResult<T>(totalrecord, currentPage, rowNum);
		qResult.setResultlist(list); 		//设置结果集

		return qResult;
	 * @function 	根据hql连接查询语句生成查询行数的语句
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 select...
	 * @author      Zhangtr
	 * @since       20120918
	protected long getConCount(String where) {
		final String hql =where.replaceAll("select", "SELECT COUNT(").replaceAll("from", ") from");	 
		return Long.valueOf(this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(hql).uniqueResult().toString());
	 * @function 	原生sql查分页 
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 select...
	 * @param 		currentPage 当前页码
	 * @param 		rowNum 每页显示记录数
	 * @return 		QueryResult 带有翻页数据的bean
	 * @author      Zhangtr
	 * @since       20120920
	protected QueryResult<T> commonSQLofPage(String where, int currentPage, int rowNum) {
		StringBuilder commonHql = new StringBuilder(where);
		int first=(currentPage-1)*rowNum;
		int max=rowNum;
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createSQLQuery(where).addEntity(TauthAccount.class);
		if( max > 0 ) {
		commonHql.delete(0, commonHql.length());
		List<T> list = query.list();	//设置结果集
		Long totalrecord = getSqlCount(where);
		QueryResult<T> qResult = new QueryResult<T>(totalrecord, currentPage, rowNum);
			qResult.setResultlist(list); 		//设置结果集
		return qResult;
	protected long getSqlCount(String where) {
		final String sql ="SELECT COUNT(*) from ("+where+")";	 
		return Long.valueOf(this.getCurrnentSession().createSQLQuery(sql).uniqueResult().toString());
	 * @function 	生成HQL查询工具,添加应用缓存策略
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 "WHERE" + this.getEntityName()+".name=? "
	 * @return 		List<T> 查询结果集
	public List<T> cacheHql(String where) {
		StringBuilder cacheHql = new StringBuilder("FROM " + this.getClassName());
		if( where != null && where.length() > 0 ) {
			cacheHql.append(" ").append(where);
		Query query = this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(cacheHql.toString()).setCacheable(true);
		return query.list();
	 * @function 	根据实体类查找sortnum列最大的数
	 * @param 		where 查询语句 select...
	 * @author      Zhangtr
	 * @since       20120918
	protected long getMaxSortNum(Object obj) {
		String hql="SELECT MAX(u.sortnum) FROM "+obj.getClass().getName()+" u ";
		return Long.valueOf(this.getCurrnentSession().createQuery(hql).uniqueResult().toString());
二维柱状图/饼状图统计组件 java 统计组件
package com.css.service.impl;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import com.css.bean.TXtDm;
import com.css.dao.TZddqZddqDao;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import com.css.service.TjfxService;
import com.css.sys.service.TXtDmService;

 * @function 统计分析业务组件
 * @description 
 * @version 1.0
 * @author liangbo time at 29/1/2013
public class TjfxServiceImpl implements TjfxService {
	@Resource  private TXtDmService tXtDmService;
	@Resource private TZddqZddqDao tZddqZddqDao;
	final String monthNames[] = {"一月","二月","三月","四月","五月","六月","七月","八月","九月","十月","十一月","十二月"};
	 * @function 重点地区区域统计业务方法
	 * @param area 区域行政编码
	 * @param fromdate 开始时间
	 * @param todate  结束时间
	 * @return 返回统计xml数据
	public String showAreaCharts(String area, String fromdate,
			String todate) {
		StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder("");
				StringBuilder dmsql =new StringBuilder("WHERE 1=1 AND CODETYPE = 'XZQH'");
				if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
					dmsql.append(" AND code like '13%00' and code <> '130000'");
				if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00")) {
					dmsql.append(" AND code like '" + area.substring(0, 4) + "%'");
				List<TXtDm> xzqhList = tXtDmService.getTXtDmList(dmsql.toString());
				dmsql.delete(0, dmsql.length());
						for (TXtDm tXtDm : xzqhList) {
							StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("select COUNT(1) from ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_ZDDQ a where 1=1 ");
							String code=tXtDm.getCode();
								hql.append(" and a.xzqh like '"+code.substring(0, 4)+"%' ");
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)>='"+fromdate+"'" );
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)<='"+todate+"'" );
							String count=tZddqZddqDao.queryCount(hql.toString());
							hql.delete(0, hql.length());
							result.append(" <set value='"+count+"' label='"+tXtDm.getCodename()+"' />");
					}else if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00")){
						for (TXtDm tXtDm : xzqhList) {
							StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("select COUNT(1) from ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_ZDDQ a where 1=1 ");
							String code=tXtDm.getCode();
								hql.append(" and a.xzqh = '"+code+"' ");
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)>='"+fromdate+"'" );
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)<='"+todate+"'" );
							String count=tZddqZddqDao.queryCount(hql.toString());
							hql.delete(0, hql.length());
							result.append(" <set value='"+count+"' label='"+tXtDm.getCodename()+"' />");
			return result.toString();
	 * @function 重点地区按月统计业务方法 统计以开始时间年份为统计基础
	 * @param area 区域行政编码
	 * @param fromdate 开始时间
	 * @return 返回统计xml数据
	public String showMouthCharts(String area, String fromdate) {
		StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder("");
					Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
					fromdate=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(cal.getTime());
				StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("select COUNT(1) from ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_ZDDQ a where 1=1 ");
				if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
					hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '13%' ");
				if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00")) {
					hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '" + area.substring(0, 4) + "%' ");
				if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}[0-9]{4}") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
					hql.append(" AND a.xzqh = '" + area + "' ");
				String date = fromdate.substring(0, 4);
		return result.toString();
	 * @function 重点地区分类统计业务方法
	 * @param area 区域行政编码
	 * @param fromdate 开始时间
	 * @param todate  结束时间
	 * @param type 统计类型
	 * @return 返回统计xml数据
	public String showCharts(String area, String fromdate,
			String todate,String type) {
		StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder("");
			if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(area) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(type)){
				StringBuilder dmsql = new StringBuilder("");
				if(type.contains("SF")) {
					dmsql.append("WHERE 1=1 AND CODETYPE = '" + type.substring(0, 2) + "' ");
				} else {
					dmsql.append("WHERE 1=1 AND CODETYPE = '" + type + "' ");
				List<TXtDm> codeTypeList = tXtDmService.getTXtDmList(dmsql.toString());
				dmsql.delete(0, dmsql.length());
				if(codeTypeList!=null && codeTypeList.size()>0){
					if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("GPLB") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("ZZQX")) {
						for (TXtDm tXtDm : codeTypeList) {
							StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("select COUNT(1) from ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_ZDDQ a , ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_GPDB b where 1=1 AND a.id = b.zddqid ");
							String code=tXtDm.getCode();
							String bType = "b." + type;	
							hql.append(" AND " +  bType + "='" + code + "' ");
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)>='"+fromdate+"'" );
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)<='"+todate+"'" );
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '13%' ");
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '" + area.substring(0, 4) + "%' ");
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}[0-9]{4}") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh = '" + area + "' ");
							String count=tZddqZddqDao.queryCount(hql.toString());
							hql.delete(0, hql.length());
							result.append(" <set value='"+count+"' label='"+tXtDm.getCodename()+"' />");
					} else {
						for (TXtDm tXtDm : codeTypeList) {
							StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("select COUNT(1) from ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_ZDDQ a , ZDDQ.T_ZDDQ_GPDB b where 1=1 AND a.id = b.zddqid ");
							String code=tXtDm.getCode();
							String aType = "a." + type;	
							hql.append(" AND " +  aType + "='" + code + "' ");
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)>='"+fromdate+"'" );
								hql.append(" and SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,10)<='"+todate+"'" );
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '13%' ");
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh like '" + area.substring(0, 4) + "%' ");
							if(area.matches("[1-9]{2}[0-9]{4}") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}([1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9]{1})00") && !area.matches("[1-9]{2}0000")) {
								hql.append(" AND a.xzqh = '" + area + "' ");
							String count=tZddqZddqDao.queryCount(hql.toString());
							hql.delete(0, hql.length());
							result.append(" <set value='"+count+"' label='"+tXtDm.getCodename()+"' />");
		return result.toString();
	public void getTimeLabel(StringBuilder result,StringBuilder where,String date) {
		if(where != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(date)) {
			for(int i=0; i<=11;i++) {
				String sql = where.toString();
				int j = i + 1;
				String mDate = "";
				if(j < 10) {
					mDate = date + "-0" + j;
				} else if( j >= 10){
					mDate = date + "-" + j;
				sql = sql + " AND SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,a.cjsj),0,7) = '" + mDate + "' ";
				String count=tZddqZddqDao.queryCount(sql);
				result.append(" <set value='"+count+"' label='"+monthNames[i] +"' />");
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